The astute of you out there (and I use astute very loosely here. Perhaps it isn't really the right word; maybe 'not blindingly thick' would be more appropriate) will have noticed that the name of this blog* has changed. This is because, put bluntly, the last name (WHICH WILL BE MENTIONED NO MORE) was poor. I hated it to the point where it actually made me physically sick.
So, I changed it. I believe, and I'm sure you'll agree with me, that it's a suitable title; after all, I'm a cheery chap, and there's little in this world to get riled about. So bear with me a while until I decide to change it again. It'll probably be fairly soon.
*I can't fail to notice that as I write this, Google Chrome's spell-check doesn't recognise 'blog' as a word, and has given it the red line of death. Nor does it recognise Miliband, or radicchio. Keep up, Google Chrome.
I think I will go onto the .gov site and put together a petition to bring back the old name - all this change - the decline in standards etc etc